Monday, June 14, 2010

answers are written all over your face

[Originally composed January 16th, 2010; aka "the popcorn entry." "__________" is a young adult, female goblin; Greyer's expansion counterpart.]

Whimsi [on Worgen]: PUPPIES!

Taceo [on Greyer]: I'd really love to meet him, as far as his personality goes, I'd love to see if he's just as he sounds. I mean, I've read up on Gilnean society wherever I can steal books or scrolls and have them translated, and those humans are just fascinating. Greyer sounds like the type of guy I'd love to have as my nemesis.

Greyer [on Taceo]: Blood elves aren't exactly the type I'd socialize with; even if they spoke Common, well, just... no. This... Lady Taceo I keep hearing out and about, scraping her sword and shield and screaming hysterically outside the gate. Light help me...

Veton [on Spritzer]: He's very kind young man. When I spent one evening at the gate, I just happened to see him there when I was passing through, and he asked politely if I had any food. I split a wedge of cheese with him and we shared a few cornbread pieces. He was once a bartender for one of the pubs, but he was supposedly smoked out when he was spotted hanging out with some rogue named Lyall. I still feel so bad for leaving him there, he wanted to come away with me.

Greyer [on rogues]: Yes, I did review some public polls and I heard that most people are "rolling" Worgen rogues. Sure, let them, but tell me this, can they survive? Pick locks to escape certain death... memorize the flora required for efficient poisons? Have they ever tried to escape the kingdom unseen only to be foiled at the very last moment? Heh, tell me that.

Tabijin [on goblins]: *grumbles.*

Taceo [on goblins]: Pointy ears, cunning and witty, quite different than the rest of the Horde identities, like... Blood Elves... I think we'll get along just fine.

Greyer [on Spritzer]: Heh, that kid is undoubtedly something else. His company is tolerable, though his hopes of finding a cure for this curse is absolutely ridiculous.

Spritzer [on Greyer]: Greyer is... well... what can I say? He took me in and he's taught me a bit about surviving and not feeling so bad about losing my job. He also taught me how to duel with a sword. He's not an optimist though, which is fine since I guess one could say that I compliment him nicely. Like, what were their names...? Um, "Batman and Robin"? Heh... Maybe?

__________ [on the Alliance]: Armor up and brace yourselves, FOR THE HORDE, BABY!

Greyer [on "__________"] Seriously, Rese? You made her my expansion counterpart? I beg your pardon?! I was informed I would be taking the reins from the event of 'the Cataclysm' and onward.

__________ [on Greyer] Hey, bub, you gotta problem wit' me? YOU GOTTA PROBLEM WIT' ME?! *jabs a long-nailed finger into his shoulder* Back it up.

Taceo [on "__________"] FINALLY! Someone who knows what's going on!

Lunette [on WoW: Cataclsym] Rese... What about ME?! Q_Q

Whimsi [...]: PUPPIES?

Tabijin [...]: 'ave yeh seen mah daughtah?

__________ [on Tabijin] I'm really feelin' this guy... I lost my buddy on that ship back on the coast so I know what it's like to not have someone who understands me, knows me, in my life... anymore. Wherever he is now, I hope he's okay. As for this ol' crow here, I already love 'im. He's actually very sweet once you get past the craziness.

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