[ SCRRAWL Club ]

"It is in the compelling zest of high adventure and of victory, and in creative action, that man finds his supreme joys."
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Welcome to the SCRRAWL club! We are a small group of daring adventurers within the guild <The Shadow of Paragon>, also known as scrrawlers. Our activities often consist of silly antics, such as: drooling over crazy-looking pieces of gear or weaponry, dueling, adopting pets, raiding Old World dungeons, testing one another's endurance, battlegrounds, exploring Azeroth, celebrating in-game events, and gaining achievements.

Basic Rules:
  1. Scrrawlers must wear their 'adventure' hat unless the event is a raid or critically requires the helm appropriate for their level (i.e. running a lower level guild member through an instance in their level bracket).
  2. On initiation night, a new scrrawler must acquire a Russet Hat from either Kargath or the nearest guild bank.
  3. A scrrawler must acquire over time a super hero outfit to plunder low level instances in.
  4. Everything about the SCRRAWL club is about fancy-free, light-hearted fun.

Random Facts:
  • The SCRRAWL club was formed on May 26th, 2009.
  • To "scrawl" means to write in an awkward or careless manner, or is something scrawled like a letter or a note; this refers to our crazy adventures being little footnotes to our guild's regular [WotLK-based] activities.
  • The first raid instance to be cleared by scrrawlers was Molten Core.
Here, have an inspirational link.
...more content coming soon.