[ Our Timeline ]

-147,000: The Titans arrive on Azeroth and create two races to reshape the world; they create dwarves (called “The Earthen”) to maintain the land and sea giants to patrol the waters.

-65,000: The Titans place the Well of Eternity, the source of all magic on Azeroth, in the center of the world’s single continent, Kalimdor.

-64,001: The Titans depart, empowering the dragonflights to care for the world and the Well of Eternity.

-14,000: Night Elves establish the first great civilization by the Well of Eternity in Kalimdor; investigating the Well releases magic upon the world.

-10,000: The First Invasion of the Burning Legion (which assaults the Kaldorei’s unprepared civilization) and the start of the War of the Ancients. Deathwing the Destroyer, leader of the black dragonflight, turns against the other Dragon Aspects.

-9,999: Kaldorei Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind and Illidan Stormrage, the demigod Cenarius, and the ancient dragonflights defeat the Burning Legion in the War of the Ancients. The war splits the continent in two; the seas filled the void left by the Well of Eternity and formed the Maelstrom (a furious, unending storm of elemental energy) that plagues the seas to this day.

-9,998: Illidan Stormrage secretly creates a new Well of Eternity using water stolen from the original Well; as a result his brother Malfurion locks him away in an underground prison. Dragons Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Nozdormu create the World Tree called Nordrassil which obscures the new Well of Eternity.

-9,990: The surviving Kaldorei (Night Elves) abandon the use of arcane magic and exile themselves in seclusion around Mount Hyjal and the World Tree; they begin practicing a safer form of divine nature magic.

-7,300: Malfurion exiles the last of the Highborne. The remaining Kaldorei weave a powerful enchantment and seal the borders of their lands in a protective mist.

-6,800: The Highborne (High Elves) establish the city of Quel’Thalas.

-3,900: The Sunwell of Quel’Thalas is established.

-2,800: The humans build the nation of Arathor in Lordaeron to unite against troll attacks. Humans and High Elves meet and become allies.

-2,700: The Guardians of Tirisfal is founded as a secret society.

-2,600: The Order of Tirisfal (also known as the Council of Tirisfal) is founded.

-2,500: The Ironforge Dwarves awaken in Uldaman. Khaz Modan is founded.

-1,200: The empire of Arathor fragments into seven autonomous nations.

-823: The current Guardian of Tirisfal, Aegwynn, discovers a growing demon presence on the continent of Northrend. With the aid of dragons, she tracks the demons down and defeats them; she later overpowers Sargeras in his own challenge, sealing him in a hidden tomb beneath the Great Sea.

-500: The world of Draenor is discovered by Sargeras’ second-in-command Kil’jaeden.

-374: Lunarius is born.

-372: Lunette Evenwind is born.

-264: Mercruceo Aestas Morntreader is born.

-262: Aviana Septentrio Dawnseeker is born.

-230: Civil War erupts in Ironforge with the Bronzebeard clan defeating the Wildhammer and the Dark Iron dwarves. The Wildhammer dwarves settle on the mountain of Grim Batol. Later, the Dark Iron dwarves attack Grim Batol and Ironforge at once, managing to destroy Grim Batol, but losing against the combined forces of Wildhammer and Ironforge dwarves. The Wildhammer dwarves settle on Aerie Peak.

-228: Atellus Evenwind is born.

-224: Lunara "Moone" Evenwind is born.

-220: Adaven Silversage and Astaire Evenwind are born.

-170: The Dwarves meet the Gnomes; Gnomeregan is built.

-147: Mercruceo Morntreader and Aviana Dawnseeker are wed.

-100: The Burning Legion begins corrupting the orcs of Draenor.

-79: Taceo Aestas Morntreader is born.

-46: Gul’dan creates the Shadow Council.

-40: The Shadow Council creates the Horde.

-32: Lloyd Lyall and Conri Whitaker are born - two months apart.

-29: Winterr is born.

-27: Tabijin is born.

-26: Zabeni is born.

-11: Tabijin and Zabeni are wed after their chance meeting south of Lake Nazferiti, Stranglethorn Vale.

-5: Medivh begins to forge the Dark Portal between Draenor (Outland) and Azeroth. Twins Faolan and Farran are born.

-2: Greyer is born.

0: Orc scouts enter the rift and create a small outpost in the Black Morass. Elodi (Whimsi) is born to Wystan and Theia Barnes.

1: The Dark Portal fully opens, allowing the orcs/Horde to ambush Azeroth. The Blood Knight Order is created. The First War begins [between orcs and humans].

3: Tabijin turns 30 (middle-age).

4: The First War ends.

5: Sir Uther Lightbringer’s Knights of the Silver Hand is formed. Humans, Dwarves, and High Elves form the Alliance. Reser is born.

6: The Second War begins; the Horde has now recruited jungle trolls as apart of their army with Tabijin as a Scout and second-hand advisor, and Zabeni as an appointed escort for seasoned troops. The Horde invades Lordaeron and destroys much of Quel’Thalas. Alliance forces push back, but Lord Lothar is killed, causing the armies to crush the Horde and destroy The Dark Portal. Deathwing the Destroyer, disguised as Lord Daval Prestor, destroys the Alliance forces amidst their ranks; suffering at the hands of the other Aspects, he returns to the elemental plane Deepholm. The Second War ends. King Genn Greymane removes Gilneas from the Alliance forces; the Greymane Wall is built around the Kingdom. Zabeni is taken captive to a small group of Alliance troops; she was later killed. Tabijin returns home to find the tribe glen razed to the ground. The yearling Reser was abandoned by her father's friend, even after he swore to look after her during her parents' leave; she fell into the hands of a fortunately kind, nomadic troll tribe. The Alliance places Horde survivors into internment camps.

7: The energy of Ner’zhul’s several portals conflict with one another, causing him to flee; the floating shards of Draenor eventually become Outland. Kil’jaeden captures Ner’zhul and irreversibly transforms him into the Lich King, encasing him in a block of ice. The orcs reconstruct the Dark Portal. Kelekia is born.

8: Outland is created from the event of Ner’zhul opening the portals on Draenor.

19: Thrall becomes Warchief of the New Horde.

20: The Third War and The Scourge attacks (the undead plague) begin. Elodi and her mother fall ill on account of the plague; their deaths sends Wystan on a never-ending string of excavations with the Explorer's League. Quel’Thalas falls under Arthas’ attack backed by an army of undead; in defense of the city, Sylvanas Windrunner is killed and resurrected as his minion. The Tauren join the Horde. Joining forces, both Horde and Alliance work together to drive out the Burning Legion at The Battle of Mount Hyjal. Atop Mount Hyjal, the Night Elves (who have allied with the Alliance) imbue the World Tree with their magic, giving back the immortality and power the Well of Eternity had gifted them; the magic destroys the demon forces. Archmage Arugal attempts to create an army of wolf-beasts to fight against The Scourge. Lunette takes up the role as a healer, leaving young Atellus, Moone, Gardien and Astaire in Dolanaar. Among the Night Elf ranks, Adaven’s noble parents fall in battle. Mercruceo is called upon to help recruit new soldiers; Aviana is left at home near Falconwing Square with the adolescent Taceo.

22: Lady Sylvanas Windrunner rebels against the Lich King and forms the Forsaken, who join the Horde.

23: Tabijin turns 50.

25: World of Warcraft begins. During the Third War, King Arthas’ Scourge sacked Quel’Thalas and shattered the elven race. The Third War ends. Lunette returns to Darnassus and Dolanaar to comfort her children and the orphan Adaven before setting off again to join Lunarius in Outland. The year of Reser’s 20th birthday and Kelekia’s 18th birthday. Astaire is slain by Edwin VanCleef.

26: The dawn of the Burning Crusade; the year of Taceo’s 105th birthday, Atellus' 254th birthday, Moone’s 250th birthday, Adaven’s 246th birthday, Lunette’s 398th birthday, Lunarius’ 400th birthday, and Winterr’s 55th birthday. Lapin, Magpi, Veton and their people - the Draenei - crash-land on Azeroth and join the Alliance; Blood Elves join the Horde. Lunette establishes the guild Unearthed. Elodi's body is recovered and revived as a Forsaken priest; in Deathknell she is rechristened "Whimsi."

28: The Wrath of the Lich King; Lunette is reported missing until her arrival at Valiance Keep. Taceo is initiated into the guild House Brimstone and then into The Shadow of Paragon and Save the Murloc, advancing in rank to become an Ambassador of the Horde. Veton is initiated into the guild Love and Warcraft.

30: In Deathwing's wake, a Cataclysm sends the world into a series of calamities (also known as the Shattering of Azeroth). Goblins join the Horde as Worgen join the Alliance. Greyer and his pack unite and make an attempt to move outward from Gilneas. Whirring and her people - the Bilgewater Cartel, Goblins of the Lost Isles - successfully escape Kezan with Thrall's help. In Orgrimmar, Thrall appoints Garrosh Hellscream as the new Warchief before departing to join the Earthen Ring in attempts to stablize the Maelstrom. The Council of the Three Hammers is established in King Magni Bronzebeard's place after a terrible curse from an ancient tablet fuses him into the diamond heart of Ironforge. In Thunderbluff, Cairne Bloodhoof falls in a duel by the hand of the new Horde Warchief. Cairne's son, Baine Bloodhoof, becomes the new leader of Thunder Bluff.

[Always under construction... Still missing some events and characters. Ages determined by Roleplay Central: Dramatis Personae. Timeline constructed with the help of WoWWiki.]