"There are three kinds of people in this world: competitors, customers and employees. Competitors are to be crushed ruthlessly, customers indulged and employees strictly supervised.
Independent contractors are a myth. They want to be paid better than employees, but treated like customers. Never trust one who calls himself by that title."
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sat the girls down for a few since I hadn't talked to them in a while; as apart of our little 'BFF time' we shared pictures with each other. Enjoy.
Heh, we're amazed Whimsi keeps her pictures in good condition, then again, her snapshots were recently taken.
Images are from: wizards.com and from the game itself, World of Warcraft.
Heh, we're amazed Whimsi keeps her pictures in good condition, then again, her snapshots were recently taken.
Images are from: wizards.com and from the game itself, World of Warcraft.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Random MeMe [Horde style!]
Pick 5 4 of your characters and make them answer these questions!
*...gathers up her party and has them sit down in a few chairs next to each other.*
1) What are your character's names?
Taceo the Blood Elf Paladin, Winterr the Tauren Druid, Whimsi the Undead Priest, and Tabijin the Troll Shaman. My three girls and my elderly troll on Thorium Brotherhood. :)
2) How old are they?
Taceo: It's very impolite and improper to ask a lady her age, you know.
Winterr: Roughly 57 winters.
Whimsi: Erm, last I checked, I was like... *spaces out for a moment.* 21? 22?
Tabijin: T' old fo' dis.
3) Are they a boy/girl?
Taceo: Female, thank you.
Winterr: Cow. Moo...
Whimsi: Girl.
Tabijin: Male.
4) What's his/her *scribbles out the word race* species?
Taceo: For the Sin'dorei!
Winterr: Tauren.
Whimsi: Human! :D
Tabijin: *raises a brow at Whimsi* Sh' means Undead. As fo' meh, ah are a troll, mon.
5) If this characters were to suddenly become part of the real world, and ended up in a heavily-populated area, how many stares would he/she get?
Taceo: Isn't it apparent that all four of us would get stared at? Pointy ears, anthropomorphic burger, a--
Winterr: Cow, would've been more appropriate, thanks. *glares*
Taceo: ...as I was saying... a rotting zombie, and a blue-skinned troll. Yeah, we'd blend riiiiiight in, alright. *crosses her arms and rolls her eyes*
Whimsi: B-but, I'm human?
Tabijin: Lady Tace' be right, ya know; an', no, Whims'. *points to her exposed elbow joint* Dat not no'mal fo' a livin' 'uman at all.
6) Are your characters considered normal in his/her own world?
Taceo: Yes, nearly stereotypical, actually. *Crosses legs idly.*
Winterr: Yes.
Whimsi: Um, no?
Tabijin: Prob'leh not anymo'. *sighs* Ah keep 'earin' 'bout dese crazeh fits ah don' rememba.
7) What would be his/her most recognizable feature(s)?
Taceo: I'm somewhat short for a Sin'dorei, but I suppose one could spot me from a distance with my fair skin and black hair, which is usually styled short.
Winterr: Pelt color. I'm all white with an asterisk-like shape on my right forearm. I've also got an assortment of white and blue beads in my mane. *Turns head slightly to show a few braided tresses with clay beads.*
Whimsi: Discolored hair and glossed-over expression, I've been told... Um... Wait, what? Oh! Purple-ness?! *Points to hair.*
Tabijin: *Points to his own scalp, bringing attention to the blue roots of his snow white hair* If ah could jus' bring mah color back or git rid o' it completeleh, I would.
8) Are your OC's considered attractive?
Taceo: *cough* ...so I've heard.
Winterr: With a garnish on a plate.
Whimsi: Not attractive, but cute.
Tabijin: Ya see dis' embroider'd vest? An' dis monocle? Finely tailored pants? Ah oughtta be. Ya wanna run a good bus'ness, ya gotta be as 'ttractive as yer wares if dey be wort' lotsa gold.
1) Temper?
Taceo: Well-mannered, I would hope, but I'm known to have a short fuse sometimes.
Winterr: As even as can be most days.
Whimsi: You probably wouldn't remember it...
Tabijin: *Grumbles* We done yet? Mah back 'urts from dis chair.
2) Do they ever get depressed?
Taceo: Sometimes.
Winterr: *smiles and shakes head*
Whimsi: Dep... Depress-ed? Depressed. What's that?
Tabijin: *scratches the back of his neck and averts his gaze*
3) Leader or Follower?
Taceo: Both? If I am confident in what we're doing and know what is thoroughly going on, I'll lead; for the most part though, I'm trailing behind everyone making sure their every scratch or bruise is taken care of while they do their stuff.
Winterr: Follower, though I'm one to break apart from a group and go my own way.
Whimsi: Follower; I trip on my toes a lot and lost a couple, so I kinda stagger behind.
Tabijin: Fallen leader.
4) What is the main aspect(s) of his/her personality?
Taceo: Pride or smugness, kinda two-sided.
Winterr: Furtiveness, somewhat hard-headed.
Taceo: Heh, if you've had the pleasure of meeting Whims', you'll know that she's completely random and sometimes air-headed. She's really, really bubbly though if she wants to be... or if you get into a conversation with her about random stuff.
Tabijin: Ah am anti-social an' obsessive compulsive. When ya been in dis war as long as ah 'ave, most circumstances'll do dat t' ya.
1) Did your OC have a family of any sort? If so, are they still alive?
Taceo: My father, a once-retired Ambassador of the Horde, and mother still go about their business with the little inn they've bought in Falcon Wing Square.
Winterr: My tribe or herd still make their home somewhere not too far from the mountains of Mulgore.
Whimsi: I still have my kitty. He went missing when I became sick, and when I woke up again, Winterr found him for me and brought him back! He's so grown up now, he's precious.
Tabijin: *averts his eyes and runs a hand idly through his hair.*
Taceo: Allow me to explain. Tabi' had a wife and daughter. Zabeni was a very distinguished hunter of the Horde, one of the finest scouts Thrall has ever seen and honored. She... well, I'll probably get to it in a bit here, but anyway, as for his daughter Reser, no one's seen Reser for some time now, but some word has gotten around that she's become an apprentice mage.
Whimsi: *reaches a hand out and gently pats Tabijin on the shoulder.* Trolly-troll.
2) Are they out on his/her own? If so, why?
Taceo: I figured I ought to do something, make my father proud, follow in his footsteps.
Winterr: Mmhmm, I've already went through my coming-of-age ceremony and am now looking to find a herd of my own. The individuals of the guild The Shadow of Paragon are perfectly suiting thus far.
Whimsi: Yes. Dark Lady's orders.
Tabijin: Ah 'ave no choice, gotta keep busy some'ow.
3) Has he/she encountered any traumatizing events?
Taceo: I heard news of my friend becoming lost, missing in action... and then coming face-to-face with her when she returned... as a Death Knight. She was covered in blood from slaying her loyal dragonhawk [you see, she was a hunter before] and I just didn't recognize her at first. I was thinking she was going to lop my head off. *Cringe.*
Winterr: I almost drowned twice, when my trainer was attempting to teach me how to obtain the form of a sea lion.
Whimsi: I once mind-flayed this one gnome, and I got a glimpse of this one memory he had... I watched as he fell off of a cliff face and I was like *levitate* *levitate* *LEVITATE* I kinda forgot I wasn't the one falling. Heeeee... And then, I stole a memory of some Death Knight once, and I saw the dead crawl out of the ground, their faces were nearly rotted off and their skin was hanging off their bones in segments. Eeeee...
Tabijin: *Continues to keep his gaze on his toes.*
Taceo: *Looks to Tabijin* Well, as I was saying. Um... One of Tabijin's friends told him that Zabeni was taken captive by a band of Night Elves after a dwarf and his frostsaber caught her off-guard when she was escorting some new recruits through Ashenvale. Weeks later, Zabeni's tiger, Hexes, showed up in the Barrens, and a young scout reported back with Zabeni's blood-splattered insignia and tattered backpack.
4) What was probably the best time in his/her life so far?
Taceo: When I became an Ambassador of the Horde, as well as an accomplished Explorer. Oh, also when I became an Officer of my guild.
Winterr: The moment I was awarded the rank of Grunt.
Whimsi: When I found my kitty!
Tabijin: The day mah daughtah was bo'n.
1) Single?
Taceo: *proudly holds up her left hand to show off a truesilver ring on her third finger.*
Winterr: Yes.
Whimsi: Yeah!
Tabijin: Widower.
2) Have they developed any romantic relationships?
Taceo: Yes.
Winterr: I haven't... yet.
Whimsi: Mmmmm, yep.
Tabijin: Once, and ah miss 'er.
3) Virgin?
Taceo: Oh, please! Really?! Really... Nosyyy!
Winterr: Yes.
Whimsi: *Nods.*
Tabijin: Mah answer ought t' be obvious, if dey tol' ya 'bout mah daughtah.
4) Does your character like flirting?
Taceo: I have my moments I admit, but my heart belongs to someone.
Winterr: Not really.
Whimsi: Hmmm... Kinda?
Tabijin: No.
1) What element is your character associated with?
Taceo: The Light.
Winterr: Earth.
Whimsi: *Counts on her fingers* Let's see... Um... The Light, shadows, kitties, fear... and rot?
Tabijin: Typical Shaman elements: fire, water, an' air.
2) Musical Instrument?
Taceo: Electric guitar.
Winterr: Drums.
Whimsi: Piano.
Tabijin: Violin/Viola.
3) Color?
Taceo: Yellow or white? Possibly red and gold or silver and purple.
Winterr: White or green.
Whimsi: PURPLE!
Tabijin: Blue.
4) Music?
Taceo: Techno, pop, or alternative rock.
Winterr: Percussions and flutes, mostly instrumental.
Whimsi: Random playlist, songs usually narrate her experiences.
Tabijin: Soundtracks.
+Showing the Love
1) Does your owner draw you?
Taceo: Allow me to answer this one flatly. We're already rendered, but I'm the only on who has a few sketches.
2) Does your owner write about you?
Taceo: Yes.
Winterr: Not... really.
Whimsi: Yep, she helps me with my journal.
Tabijin: Sh' used ta.
3) Does your owner use you in any rpgs?
Taceo: Used to.
Winterr: For the most part, we all talk in-character in-game.
4) What other ways has your owner appreciated you?
Taceo: It should be apparent.
Winterr: She has a few necklaces in honor of me.
Whimsi: Our journals [blogs]!
Tabijin: Ah've been prais'd a few times fo' bein' such a complicated charactah sometimes.
1) Is your character wanted for anything?
Taceo: I don't think so.
Winterr: I've been good.
Whimsi: Stealing memories and startling people by screaming?
Tabijin: No.
2) What are three of your weaknesses?
Taceo: Pride/ego, being easily intimidated, and my supposed character flaw.
Winterr: Talent trees, healing [I'm feral-specced], and conjured food.
Whimsi: Cats, melee mobs, and pretty blue dresses.
Tabijin: Counting, finely tailored clothes, and profits.
3) Strengths?
Taceo: Battle medic duties.
Winterr: Shapeshifting.
Whimsi: Mind-related matters... for the most part... even if my own mind isn't really sound... yet.
Tabijin: Attachments and business with others/auctioneers.
4) Does your OC drink or smoke, etc.?
Taceo: A few honey meads every other month or so. I like to sample some of the brews during Brewfest though!
Winterr: Nope.
Whimsi: I... I don't know.
Tabijin: Nah, mah mind's already decrep't as is.
5) What's one Animal you like?
Taceo: My skunk, 'Tinky. I bathe 'im so he doesn't, ya know, stink... but, he does, erm, rear up on people who are irritating.
Winterr: Well, druid felines, of course!
Whimsi: Cats. *pulls a live, loudly purring black tabby out of her backpack and puts him in her lap* This is my Tumnus, he likes to pounce on sewer rats.
Tabijin: Tigers.
6) Does your character have any phobias?
Taceo: Spiders. Ugh... *Cringe.* I start shaking and stuff with Maexxna, it's sad... Garedar's spider creeps me out too. *Shivers.*
Winterr: Not... that I know of... Fleas, perhaps?
Whimsi: I am a phobia! Memory loss! Yay!
Tabijin: Ah've an acute case of agoraphobia.
7) What could someone do to get you into a blind rage?
Taceo: Tell me I'm in no shape to be what I am and I'll seriously **** you up. No, really.
Winterr: Call me a coward.
Whimsi: Rage? Um... I... I'm not a warrior, or a bear.
Tabijin: Uh, jus' don' mention dat a band o' dwa'ves 'r 'umans a' nearby.
8) Do you like chickens?
Taceo: I am almost considered one; and, I do own three of them!
Winterr: ...to eat.
Whimsi: Bawk?
Tabijin: Onleh t' sell as pets, u'less it be wings night at da inn in Orgrimma'.
[edit: Mannnn... those were some serious typos, and some of Whimsi's answers weren't meant to be that spaced out to the point where she's "blank." The trick to this was to kinda keep her talking so she doesn't leave the conversation, so she has more answers now.]
*...gathers up her party and has them sit down in a few chairs next to each other.*
1) What are your character's names?
Taceo the Blood Elf Paladin, Winterr the Tauren Druid, Whimsi the Undead Priest, and Tabijin the Troll Shaman. My three girls and my elderly troll on Thorium Brotherhood. :)
2) How old are they?
Taceo: It's very impolite and improper to ask a lady her age, you know.
Winterr: Roughly 57 winters.
Whimsi: Erm, last I checked, I was like... *spaces out for a moment.* 21? 22?
Tabijin: T' old fo' dis.
3) Are they a boy/girl?
Taceo: Female, thank you.
Winterr: Cow. Moo...
Whimsi: Girl.
Tabijin: Male.
4) What's his/her *scribbles out the word race* species?
Taceo: For the Sin'dorei!
Winterr: Tauren.
Whimsi: Human! :D
Tabijin: *raises a brow at Whimsi* Sh' means Undead. As fo' meh, ah are a troll, mon.
5) If this characters were to suddenly become part of the real world, and ended up in a heavily-populated area, how many stares would he/she get?
Taceo: Isn't it apparent that all four of us would get stared at? Pointy ears, anthropomorphic burger, a--
Winterr: Cow, would've been more appropriate, thanks. *glares*
Taceo: ...as I was saying... a rotting zombie, and a blue-skinned troll. Yeah, we'd blend riiiiiight in, alright. *crosses her arms and rolls her eyes*
Whimsi: B-but, I'm human?
Tabijin: Lady Tace' be right, ya know; an', no, Whims'. *points to her exposed elbow joint* Dat not no'mal fo' a livin' 'uman at all.
6) Are your characters considered normal in his/her own world?
Taceo: Yes, nearly stereotypical, actually. *Crosses legs idly.*
Winterr: Yes.
Whimsi: Um, no?
Tabijin: Prob'leh not anymo'. *sighs* Ah keep 'earin' 'bout dese crazeh fits ah don' rememba.
7) What would be his/her most recognizable feature(s)?
Taceo: I'm somewhat short for a Sin'dorei, but I suppose one could spot me from a distance with my fair skin and black hair, which is usually styled short.
Winterr: Pelt color. I'm all white with an asterisk-like shape on my right forearm. I've also got an assortment of white and blue beads in my mane. *Turns head slightly to show a few braided tresses with clay beads.*
Whimsi: Discolored hair and glossed-over expression, I've been told... Um... Wait, what? Oh! Purple-ness?! *Points to hair.*
Tabijin: *Points to his own scalp, bringing attention to the blue roots of his snow white hair* If ah could jus' bring mah color back or git rid o' it completeleh, I would.
8) Are your OC's considered attractive?
Taceo: *cough* ...so I've heard.
Winterr: With a garnish on a plate.
Whimsi: Not attractive, but cute.
Tabijin: Ya see dis' embroider'd vest? An' dis monocle? Finely tailored pants? Ah oughtta be. Ya wanna run a good bus'ness, ya gotta be as 'ttractive as yer wares if dey be wort' lotsa gold.
1) Temper?
Taceo: Well-mannered, I would hope, but I'm known to have a short fuse sometimes.
Winterr: As even as can be most days.
Whimsi: You probably wouldn't remember it...
Tabijin: *Grumbles* We done yet? Mah back 'urts from dis chair.
2) Do they ever get depressed?
Taceo: Sometimes.
Winterr: *smiles and shakes head*
Whimsi: Dep... Depress-ed? Depressed. What's that?
Tabijin: *scratches the back of his neck and averts his gaze*
3) Leader or Follower?
Taceo: Both? If I am confident in what we're doing and know what is thoroughly going on, I'll lead; for the most part though, I'm trailing behind everyone making sure their every scratch or bruise is taken care of while they do their stuff.
Winterr: Follower, though I'm one to break apart from a group and go my own way.
Whimsi: Follower; I trip on my toes a lot and lost a couple, so I kinda stagger behind.
Tabijin: Fallen leader.
4) What is the main aspect(s) of his/her personality?
Taceo: Pride or smugness, kinda two-sided.
Winterr: Furtiveness, somewhat hard-headed.
Taceo: Heh, if you've had the pleasure of meeting Whims', you'll know that she's completely random and sometimes air-headed. She's really, really bubbly though if she wants to be... or if you get into a conversation with her about random stuff.
Tabijin: Ah am anti-social an' obsessive compulsive. When ya been in dis war as long as ah 'ave, most circumstances'll do dat t' ya.
1) Did your OC have a family of any sort? If so, are they still alive?
Taceo: My father, a once-retired Ambassador of the Horde, and mother still go about their business with the little inn they've bought in Falcon Wing Square.
Winterr: My tribe or herd still make their home somewhere not too far from the mountains of Mulgore.
Whimsi: I still have my kitty. He went missing when I became sick, and when I woke up again, Winterr found him for me and brought him back! He's so grown up now, he's precious.
Tabijin: *averts his eyes and runs a hand idly through his hair.*
Taceo: Allow me to explain. Tabi' had a wife and daughter. Zabeni was a very distinguished hunter of the Horde, one of the finest scouts Thrall has ever seen and honored. She... well, I'll probably get to it in a bit here, but anyway, as for his daughter Reser, no one's seen Reser for some time now, but some word has gotten around that she's become an apprentice mage.
Whimsi: *reaches a hand out and gently pats Tabijin on the shoulder.* Trolly-troll.
2) Are they out on his/her own? If so, why?
Taceo: I figured I ought to do something, make my father proud, follow in his footsteps.
Winterr: Mmhmm, I've already went through my coming-of-age ceremony and am now looking to find a herd of my own. The individuals of the guild The Shadow of Paragon are perfectly suiting thus far.
Whimsi: Yes. Dark Lady's orders.
Tabijin: Ah 'ave no choice, gotta keep busy some'ow.
3) Has he/she encountered any traumatizing events?
Taceo: I heard news of my friend becoming lost, missing in action... and then coming face-to-face with her when she returned... as a Death Knight. She was covered in blood from slaying her loyal dragonhawk [you see, she was a hunter before] and I just didn't recognize her at first. I was thinking she was going to lop my head off. *Cringe.*
Winterr: I almost drowned twice, when my trainer was attempting to teach me how to obtain the form of a sea lion.
Whimsi: I once mind-flayed this one gnome, and I got a glimpse of this one memory he had... I watched as he fell off of a cliff face and I was like *levitate* *levitate* *LEVITATE* I kinda forgot I wasn't the one falling. Heeeee... And then, I stole a memory of some Death Knight once, and I saw the dead crawl out of the ground, their faces were nearly rotted off and their skin was hanging off their bones in segments. Eeeee...
Tabijin: *Continues to keep his gaze on his toes.*
Taceo: *Looks to Tabijin* Well, as I was saying. Um... One of Tabijin's friends told him that Zabeni was taken captive by a band of Night Elves after a dwarf and his frostsaber caught her off-guard when she was escorting some new recruits through Ashenvale. Weeks later, Zabeni's tiger, Hexes, showed up in the Barrens, and a young scout reported back with Zabeni's blood-splattered insignia and tattered backpack.
4) What was probably the best time in his/her life so far?
Taceo: When I became an Ambassador of the Horde, as well as an accomplished Explorer. Oh, also when I became an Officer of my guild.
Winterr: The moment I was awarded the rank of Grunt.
Whimsi: When I found my kitty!
Tabijin: The day mah daughtah was bo'n.
1) Single?
Taceo: *proudly holds up her left hand to show off a truesilver ring on her third finger.*
Winterr: Yes.
Whimsi: Yeah!
Tabijin: Widower.
2) Have they developed any romantic relationships?
Taceo: Yes.
Winterr: I haven't... yet.
Whimsi: Mmmmm, yep.
Tabijin: Once, and ah miss 'er.
3) Virgin?
Taceo: Oh, please! Really?! Really... Nosyyy!
Winterr: Yes.
Whimsi: *Nods.*
Tabijin: Mah answer ought t' be obvious, if dey tol' ya 'bout mah daughtah.
4) Does your character like flirting?
Taceo: I have my moments I admit, but my heart belongs to someone.
Winterr: Not really.
Whimsi: Hmmm... Kinda?
Tabijin: No.
1) What element is your character associated with?
Taceo: The Light.
Winterr: Earth.
Whimsi: *Counts on her fingers* Let's see... Um... The Light, shadows, kitties, fear... and rot?
Tabijin: Typical Shaman elements: fire, water, an' air.
2) Musical Instrument?
Taceo: Electric guitar.
Winterr: Drums.
Whimsi: Piano.
Tabijin: Violin/Viola.
3) Color?
Taceo: Yellow or white? Possibly red and gold or silver and purple.
Winterr: White or green.
Whimsi: PURPLE!
Tabijin: Blue.
4) Music?
Taceo: Techno, pop, or alternative rock.
Winterr: Percussions and flutes, mostly instrumental.
Whimsi: Random playlist, songs usually narrate her experiences.
Tabijin: Soundtracks.
+Showing the Love
1) Does your owner draw you?
Taceo: Allow me to answer this one flatly. We're already rendered, but I'm the only on who has a few sketches.
2) Does your owner write about you?
Taceo: Yes.
Winterr: Not... really.
Whimsi: Yep, she helps me with my journal.
Tabijin: Sh' used ta.
3) Does your owner use you in any rpgs?
Taceo: Used to.
Winterr: For the most part, we all talk in-character in-game.
4) What other ways has your owner appreciated you?
Taceo: It should be apparent.
Winterr: She has a few necklaces in honor of me.
Whimsi: Our journals [blogs]!
Tabijin: Ah've been prais'd a few times fo' bein' such a complicated charactah sometimes.
1) Is your character wanted for anything?
Taceo: I don't think so.
Winterr: I've been good.
Whimsi: Stealing memories and startling people by screaming?
Tabijin: No.
2) What are three of your weaknesses?
Taceo: Pride/ego, being easily intimidated, and my supposed character flaw.
Winterr: Talent trees, healing [I'm feral-specced], and conjured food.
Whimsi: Cats, melee mobs, and pretty blue dresses.
Tabijin: Counting, finely tailored clothes, and profits.
3) Strengths?
Taceo: Battle medic duties.
Winterr: Shapeshifting.
Whimsi: Mind-related matters... for the most part... even if my own mind isn't really sound... yet.
Tabijin: Attachments and business with others/auctioneers.
4) Does your OC drink or smoke, etc.?
Taceo: A few honey meads every other month or so. I like to sample some of the brews during Brewfest though!
Winterr: Nope.
Whimsi: I... I don't know.
Tabijin: Nah, mah mind's already decrep't as is.
5) What's one Animal you like?
Taceo: My skunk, 'Tinky. I bathe 'im so he doesn't, ya know, stink... but, he does, erm, rear up on people who are irritating.
Winterr: Well, druid felines, of course!
Whimsi: Cats. *pulls a live, loudly purring black tabby out of her backpack and puts him in her lap* This is my Tumnus, he likes to pounce on sewer rats.
Tabijin: Tigers.
6) Does your character have any phobias?
Taceo: Spiders. Ugh... *Cringe.* I start shaking and stuff with Maexxna, it's sad... Garedar's spider creeps me out too. *Shivers.*
Winterr: Not... that I know of... Fleas, perhaps?
Whimsi: I am a phobia! Memory loss! Yay!
Tabijin: Ah've an acute case of agoraphobia.
7) What could someone do to get you into a blind rage?
Taceo: Tell me I'm in no shape to be what I am and I'll seriously **** you up. No, really.
Winterr: Call me a coward.
Whimsi: Rage? Um... I... I'm not a warrior, or a bear.
Tabijin: Uh, jus' don' mention dat a band o' dwa'ves 'r 'umans a' nearby.
8) Do you like chickens?
Taceo: I am almost considered one; and, I do own three of them!
Winterr: ...to eat.
Whimsi: Bawk?
Tabijin: Onleh t' sell as pets, u'less it be wings night at da inn in Orgrimma'.
[edit: Mannnn... those were some serious typos, and some of Whimsi's answers weren't meant to be that spaced out to the point where she's "blank." The trick to this was to kinda keep her talking so she doesn't leave the conversation, so she has more answers now.]
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