Sunday, May 31, 2009

...and I thought Felwood wasn't pretty

Balnazzar's Room

You wouldn't believe how hard it was to try to get Garedar's spider to obediently sit there...

Another Thing to Note

Nyalinos doesn't take any lip from the Beast.

This is what happens...

...if you die and we're in the middle of an instance run.

You become an additional garnish to a feast...

Notice that Garedar managed to 'invite' someone. :P

Magister's Terrace: A First Visit

Hahaaa, and this is supposedly Garedar's impression of a chipmunk maybe?

Halls of Lightning

Nikolaos, Tranz and I stare as Loken yells out his little speech.

...Tranz looking a little distressed.

A simple shot of me and Nikolaos. Aww.

Blackrock Spire

Ealendel and I wait for everyone else to arrive.

Here's me and Berien
being totally awesome in our 'adventure' hats.

Don't ask... but this is when we decided to do some naked dueling on the chain that leads to the 'instances' in Blackrock Mountain. The rogues Ealindil and Berien beat on each other while Nyalinos, Garedar and I cheer them on with a lil' dancing.

Berien being smug.

...a moment before possibly face-planting into the chain?

The guys try to talk me into doing some dueling... Haha.

Garedar and his newly adopted arachnid. I never noticed that dwarf statue there before.

Three very sweet worg puppies that were rescued from Lower Blackrock Spire. :)

"The hat doesn't make my face look fat, right?"


Garedar shows us some toughness and spunk.

...dueling again.

As the early morning adventure comes to an end, Garedar leads the way back to Flame Crest as I do a terrible job at trying to navigate back to it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mr. Pinchy: Day 1

I actually caught 'im within a couple hundred casts.
First wish granted: Benevolent Mr. Pinchy

Couple reasons why my guild is awesome...

[some pics have full-size images ;) ]

Reason one: We try to do battlegrounds together... Earlier this morning, the hunters were discussing the 1337ness of pet arachnids and decided to check out a red-and-green spider I like to refer as "the strawberry spider." We all headed to Shattrath, found the ledge where the [large] creature (which was later dubbed a "tomato" because of it's large abdomen) was located, and we ended up with this:

Garedar, Ealindil, & Dalem with "Spider", "Tomato", and "Ketchup"
...and Terokkarantula in the background.

Aww... Dalem and "Tomato"

Go, go Team Spidey!

"Noid" and "Rathead" duel it out.

"Spider" and "Noid" have a duel.

Another shot of the adorable "Tomato" ♥

...and reason two: We play pranks on fellow guildies for shiz an' giggles.
Garedar just crafted his hog and was proudly showing it off. In the process, he managed to get Spheria to hop into the sidecar, thinking he'd give her a tour of Dalaran. We then came up with a brilliant idea... so, Gare' drives down to the Sewers, past the 'bar' and through the tunnel that leads out into the Crystalsong Forest air. I just barely manage to see the bike plummet to the ground. Once I brought Lucius down to the forest floor, I find that Garedar had popped his parachute cloak, leaving Spher' dead on the ground. Heh, you should've been there...

And don't worry, I resurrected her while everyone was having quite a chuckle about it.

And now I know that I ought to start capturing these moments, they're great for blogging.

[edit: Ha, got so excited with getting the screenshots posted, my grammar, tense and thoughts are all over the place. Hopefully it makes sense now.]